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Jessica's flat stomach diet blog -

21-12-2016 à 18:57:19
Jessica's flat stomach diet blog
I will not be putting on a bathing suit anytime soon. My husband is constantly reminding me that I carried 3 babies as well and that he loves me the way I am. Not your granny panties but honesttop goodness fashionable and sexy styles for more voluptuous figures. I try to think this way every time I take my kids to the beach, the water park, or the backyard. I pray your beach trip is one of healing and peace and renewed eyes for Life. I am too worried about falling out of my suit then worrying about you and yours. Dieting is hard for me, with all the food allergies that I have, but I do try with what I can eat. Every curve and line is part of me and I should be proud of everyone of them. This whole post has really opened up my eyes to so many things. I packed my 2 year old suit which I had never worn. I embraced his words, wanting to demonstrate beauty and confidence for my kids. But I decided not to miss any more fun with them. She recalled that, as she had been getting ready, she had picked a maroon silk button-up blouse that would feel tight against her chest. Seven births, four c-sections later there are sags, bags, clumps, bumps, and veins galore. And in that time, 50lbs showed up on my doorstep. I have struggled with putting on a swimsuit and going into the water my entire life. A few weeks after that beach trip, I found out I was pregnant. And I too put on a swimsuit and run into the ocean with them. I have a wonderful mother, but we did miss out on a lot of memories. I have far from a perfect body but I still wear a 2 piece. I have told my wife the same thing, but I sent her this link to show how many others ago. Second, I wanted to mention that this phrase applied to me for a long time. I also have a way of sharing memories of her with her granddaughter. This post made me think of what comfort pictures of my own mother brought me when we lost her three years ago when I was 35 and my daughter was a newborn. I noticed how much his grieving family treasured there photos of him in the following months, and it changed me. And there are swimsuits out their that can make you feel sexy again. My parents took us kids to the beach every summer. Trust me he is no saint and I datedva bunch of losers before he chased me down. In fact, the recollection of those events, with men, made her shudder. I also feel uncomfortable at times wearing shorts and swimsuits because I am overweight and have venous insufficiency in my legs, which causes bad staining of my lower legs. But my kids love when my husband gets in and runs around with them, with reckless abandon. This summer I vow to push that unfortunate incident into the gone but not forgotten past, fully participate with my 3 kids who are growing up to fast and let that moment in time help me be a more compassionate person. But I still put my 2 piece on and ACT like I feel beautiful for my kids, especiallly my daughter. We ALL need to silence the inner voice of negativity. I have extra baggage and I struggled with getting a bathing suit. You had me in happy agreement up until this. I am a size 1 due to a terrible, uncurable stomach disease. Heartache is so hard to digest and everyone grieves so differently. I have struggled with body image my whole life, in one way or another. Nothing is worth missing out on memories made with our littles. If this post resonated with you, please share it on Facebook or Twitter. I also love to hang out on social media and would love to connect on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. Very inspiring to someone who always wants to lose 15 pounds and has 2 kids. I absolutely love this article-such a refreshing read. Maddie is our miracle and she LOVES the water. She knew the edge she felt did not spring from any sense of fear or dread, but rather from excitement, excitement about something wonderful happening in her life, and from anticipation, anticipation of something marvelous which seemed both imminent and unfolding right now, in this place. It was better like this. How dare hesay such cruel things to the lady he married. Our family has deep faith and we KNOW we will be reunited with him someday. better without men. THANK YOU. I still put on my swimming suit every chance I get and go swimming with my kids. and I was thin then. I feel sorry for those women who sit on the side lines and dont enjoy their time because they allow cellulite define them. I posted pretty early on about a wonderful site for sizes 8 to 26, with separates going up to size 34. I admit that I was glad to have a cover-up. I have a 3 year old and am 10 weeks pregnant. The smile on your face in that first photo says it all. Please know, his wandering eyes cannot steal your true beauty. I dedicated my first novel to them and to the memory of my brother, whom we lost in a car accident in 2001. So, if I may offer a thought to those sisters. I spent summers at the beach wishing my mom would let go of her fears and enter in. Love your message and hope that many more moms take it to heart. o. I was always thin until I got married, started treatment for depression and ballooned up to over 215. From now on I will looking forward to summer and will wear my bathing suit proudly. better with women. But frankly, comments like yours are neither valid, nor helpful. Confessing that I am still working through this issue. So I put on my swim suit slunk down under the cover of darkness to the pool to join the family. She could hear a quartet of live musicians playing soft jazz in the background, and the velvet red walls of the restaurant were adorned with paintings of beautiful woman in various states of undress, which artwork cleverly interwove audacity with sophisticated refinement. Before them, people said the same thing about me. I only see the woman that was and is so dear to my life for far too few years. It was worth it to my kids and even more to me. She grew my little girl for me, something I could never do, and I have never been more attracted to her than WHILE and AFTER she was pregnant. I also hope it inspires more moms to STOP JUDGING EACH OTHER. Spending that time IN THE WATER with my children made such a difference. We MUST stop belittling one another and start empowering each other instead. just women. Anyway, it is nice, and often necessary, to have a reminder that life is less about watching and more about living. I would give anything for just a soft belly and a little bit of cellulite on my thighs. I WISH I could stay in more, play more, do more. And now I have become the sad mom you write about on the sidelines. I have tried to lose weight to feel better and more energetic, but after 11 months, nothing changed but my clothes size. Some of my best memories are us at the pool, in our background in the sprinkler, at the YMCA, in the ocean, and at a waterpark. And His love (and eyes) never wander or waver. The day was about us, kids, parents and them as a couple and I loved it all. Thank you so much for writing this article. It is so freeing when you start living to make yourself happy and quit worrying about others. I know you moms out there used to have what you think was an amazing body. My insecurities have been a wall between my kids and hubby. Especially with those that I love far more than a 24 inch waist. I bought a bathing suit today because this year I will not sit and watch while the rest of my family enjoys the ocean without me. And by the way, you look beautiful in these photos. I want them to remember jumping off the edge of the pool into my arms. Do not let the expectations of others steal your life and happiness. In the evening after a long hot day having fun with my family, relaxing in the hotel hot tub sounded heavenly. Because when women stay on the sidelines because of insecurity, we are modeling unhealthy behavior to our children and we are missing out. I did finally manage to sit on the top step. Confidence and enjoying what you have today is the most attractive trait out there. Bating suit season has been my personal battle every year but after reading this, no more. Claire was taking in the sights of the fancy restaurant in which she found herself. Every other year(this being one) I make excuses to not go to the pool with my girls. I wanted to have fun and make memories at that pool. And something within her told her that this one was special. When I see scars, yup, I wonder there too. I am 56 and went on a weeks vacation with my two girlfriends from high school. As a mother of a 29 and 26 year old girls and turning 60 next year, my body is also the story of my life. I know your post will give other women to set themselves free from comparisons and feeling less than God made them to be. The lighting was low, one element of a mysterious, romantic tone. I do feel blessed I was chosen to be his mom. I have teenagers now, and have ALWAYS put on the suit. This is hands down tge best post ive ever read. I have always tried to be brave and not let others, and my own, criticism keep me from making great memories with my kids. Those thighs that have long lost their gap. And I cheer on all of your moms today too. I have found that wearing a swim shirt takes away all of my self consciousness. And on a happy note, I have started dancing again. Yesterday my kids wanted to play in the sprinkler. Lilly-I was reading these posts and yours hit me very hard. You almost sound like you are just thankful that he married you. It is probably my best memory of feeling loved by my parents. on a 14-year-old is considered fat, it wears on you. My kids are a little older but I understand where you are coming from. It took rehab, surgery, and more rehab to get back to just walking normally. Every week this summer I am a little rounder than the week before. It was the sentence about how your husband feels about your looks that really hurt me. Just came across this and loved your outlook. I told him they were my love marks because when I was pregnant with them, my love grew and grew because of that, it left a permanent reminder for me to always cherish. I am a mom of two and my husbands work schedule is erratic at best. This is a wonderful post and one I will be sharing. As she looked around at the tables and booths, it was difficult for her to discern details of the other diners, but, with a little concentration, Claire could make generalizations about them. I feel the same way and will always put that bathing suit on for my kids. Last yr my son and I dove off parallel diving boards together, danced pool side when our favorite songs came on, and just enjoyed our days together. I am ashamed and so sad about where I am at right now. We laughed and splashed and had the best time. Thank you thank you for this inspiring article. He is 6, almost 7, and an answered prayer after many years of infertility. I love to swim but have steered away from it more and more since I was a teenager because of my own body image issues. You should be an inspiration to your friends just because you can get up and get moving every day. Therefore, 95% of the time I am the one running them around. Two beautiful, big babies later and one more on the way, my body is definitely softer than ever, but very strong. My pregnancy with my 3 year old tore apart my cute little bikini body. My first pregnancies ended in stillbirth and miscarriage before I had my son (now four years old). Thank you so much for the much needed reminder. size 2x farmwife and mom to 11 kids. Praying for you to find that happy place again and that your heart can heal. It was in some way new and thrilling, and, most of all, it felt somehow right, more than any other date she had ever been on. I want them to remember splash fights together. I have two teenage daughters and an 14 month old baby girl and have really found myself struggling not only with bathing suits but clothes in general since the warmer weather hit this year. I hope this post inspires more moms to get out that suit and have some fun with the kids. I cannot imagine just letting my kids have all the fun themselves. I have a lot of friends who do the latter. She giggles and splashes, and we have the best time ever. I am worried that you are not accepting of yourself (the good and no so good). Identifying as a mom has been easy, but learning to live as someone who looks like they should lay off the cheesecake has not. Maybe they homeschool or work out of their home but it is lived in and messy. Checkout. I JUST gave some of my girlfriends a speech similar to this a couple of weeks ago as they critiqued how they looked in pictures. Sometimes she just wears a sportsbra and still does the shirt and shorts. All people have insecurities, even supermodels, but yours seem to have taken you down a path of self hate and emotional distress. Here are a few links for us to connect in the future. I was the one with the mom who would not go in. This summer I shall have a blast, PLUS feel comfortable. I know that probably sounds mean, but when you are a skinny child with a big mother and get called fat because 1) your mother is fat, and 2) 102 lbs. Now I photo bomb every time I get the chance. You have survived the loss of a child the best way you could. He may or may not love you fiercely but it pierces something deeply in our souls. Thank you soooo much for this amazingly encouraging post. and hey, there are parts of my body that have shifted around in the past 30 or so years. I put my swimsuit on anyway and RAN INTO THE OCEAN with my kids. Next week when we leave for the beach my bathing suits will be packed and ready to be worn all week long. Your kids are only little once, enjoy them while you can and go down those water slides dive in with them and splash them. But reading your post made me remember with a big smile holding the hands of my 3- and 4-year-old grandkiddos as we played in the ocean the other week. Because at the end of the day, it is not about me. I prayed and prayed for God to bless me with a baby. Just reading your post has given me courage to just go and play with the grandkids at the water and not care about any other peoples thoughts. I would she mothers of healthy weights having fun with their kids, and my mother dogging them for being so skinny. Realization crystallized in her mind that she was there on a date. There was a lot of loss between the 4 of us but there was a lot of joy as well. She is my daughter, and she is beautiful. I wear a two piece so I can stay cool enough on the beach to enjoy more with my kids. I think the most important part if doing what you love in whatever comfort you need to do it in. 0. First of all, Jessica is NOT fat, by any stretch of the imagination. You have alot to offer any onevshould be grateful for you. I was very overweight as a child, and I will never forget how much it hurt when I was laughed at for my size. Here is the one I ordered, but I imagine there are lots of companies that make them. Their bathing suits are a bit pricy but they last. We are headed to the beach tomorrow and this made me cry tonight as I read. I do try not to think about how things have changed since that awful day in 2012. I got a super nice swimsuit online from Walmart of all places. I know, he needs to change his way of thinking about some things. I guarantee when you are gone your kids will relive the wonderful times over and over again and never once think about what you looked like. You are defined in your household by your mothers heart. We go to the splash parks and run in the splash pad. Thanks for posting this. Let God, your family members, your friends and even strangers surround you with love and prayers, and even laughter. I finally figured out it was much more essential that I be careful of the CHEMICALS I put in my body than the CALORIES. Nearly everyday, I put on a maternity suit (cringing on the inside, but smiling on the outside) and take my kids to the pool. My mom was overweight growing up but she taught swim lessons, so she was always in a swim suit. The boys were doing what boys do vying for the girls attention. I hope I can help someone else one day who loses a child. Thank you for the eloquent reminder that we mass out on too much life by worrying about what others think of us. , even though I lost 40 of it while working in a warehouse for 11 months. sigh.

While she enjoyed the pleasure of the silk material caressing her skin, Claire had primarily picked the blouse so that she could intentionally leave the top three buttons undone and, by so doing, display a front and center view of her glorious D-cup breasts. And two years ago, after years of abusing my joints with dance, I injured my ankle quite severely. Last summer I figured I had just given birth and did not worry about how I looked, but now 14 months later I feel I should have lost more. Pure joy. I am a mom of 4, mother-in-law of 2 and a grandma of 4 and another one on the way. Because at the end of the day, it is not just about me. I just ordered a ton of stuff to try (and saved the site to favorites). I too wish for a littler tummy and just a little cellulite. You look great and your kids will remember that smile and the fun they had with YOU. To this day, I dread the thought of wearing a bathing suit on a beach or at a pool. You deserve to be be treated well and loved for who you are and not how you look. I wear Hydrochic to cover some serious keloids and avoid the sun. Two summers have come and gone and I have avoided the whole swimsuit issue. I cannot imagine the grief you must have had and continue to have after burying your son. You have been through the most terrible of losses. My problem is that I have forgotten how to have fun IN the pool. You look AWESOME in your suit and I loved your post. I Thank you. I cannot begin to imagine the grief of losing Jonathan, especially in that manner. I have also lost an adult child and I also appreciate that we had him for as long as we did. I do tend to she away from unflattering or possibly unflattering photos. The faint, melodic chatter that passed her ears seemed to carry words of endearment and romance. So like usual, I got them all ready and lotions up then I put my swimsuit on and covered back up with a shirt and shorts. The thought of putting on a bathing suit brings me to tears. I sit here in my hotel room at a spot not too terribly far from where you were in April. I love seeing all the discussions about this post. However, there are still several squishy parts on my body Weight has always been an issue for me. However an earlier post mentioned being in pictures with your kids. not someone you probably will never see again. I love my family and love to spend time with them at the lake or the pool. There were all kinds of bodies and ages of bodies and everyone looked great. I refuse to sacrifice memories with my children because of a soft tummy. So thank you for posting this and giving me a new outlook again. And THANK YOU for this website, guess what I am doing instead of working right now. When July 4th rolls around, we will be remembering losing our handsome, talented, much-loved son Michael on that day, he had an automobile accident. Oh, I envy you with every fiber of my being. I shall run alongside my children, and be happy and thankful that I am healthy, and that I have another golden Tahoe summer to enjoy with them, PLUS refuse to feel self conscious. It is catherines. I wish you comfort and peace as you move forward after this tragic loss. Or you could just stop eating cookies and lose weight. I wish I could fall in love with my body. Besides, love is what makes us truly beautiful, not our figures. And I swam in the Gulf of Mexico and had fun with my family. As I read about splashing in the water I could feel my lip curl a little. You looked pretty in your brightly colored swimsuit. It is hard, and maybe even a bit embarrassing to admit out loud how much of my self esteem relied on the positive feedback I received from other people. She has tried dieting, but never stayed on any for a long enough amount of time. While I may be overweight and out of shape my kids will still call me mom no matter what. But while i will not be doing as the writer says, I admire her. Last weekend, I put on my swimsuit, looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. They are the only 3 people that heard my heartbeat from the inside, that kicked, flipped, made my body change in the strangest ways, but above all, He gave me 3 healthy kids. Today, I hope to encourage you to push your insecurities aside. I love this post, but can I add that this also goes the same for very thin women, not just overweight. And if the are any truly voluptuous women out there reading this, check that site out. I get in and swim and splash and catch my littlest as she jumps off the side. After 19 years of infertility, my husband and I found out I was pregnant. I am now more than that after two littles. I overheat at the drop of a hat in a one piece bathing suit, I have found, that they are hot. When we went to the beach in April, I weighed a few pounds more than I wanted to. We are only here for a short time, the kids are little for an even shorter time. But it looks more like too many potato chips than a baby. I read this article when you first wrote it and it changed my perspective and summers forever. And at times I worry thatvhe gave up so much to marry me and he tells me he gave up nothing and gained everything. Your journey is about getting to the other side of your grief, not about how you got there. I pray we both have strength to stand on truth and take little steps toward freedom. I am going to the beach next month, and I have been so afraid to put that suit on. While sometimes I still want to go hide in a corner and roll up into a ball, these times are much less frequent now — the passage of time takes the harsh edge off, and the awesome memories and future hope of reunion in Heaven are what keep us going. Life is way too short to worry about what you look like in a swimsuit and not go out in the water and have fun with your kids. And as a Mama with extra baby weight. Instead of making those memories that you mentioned. I care that my kids think that it is super fun to have mommy swimming with them. Being tall and thin was part of my identity. What they will remember is me, being there with them. Or they go to the beach, but stay under the umbrella instead of running into the ocean. Hydrochic has sizes up to 3X and cuts to fit every shape. I cling to Jesus and my husband Dave when I am on my knees (which is way too much of the time). I never remember hearing ill words about my mom or anyone one else. The first day we raced from our hotel and headed to the pool. No matter how I see myself, I talk a different story to my kids. My husband is a Marine who has been out of the Corps for almost 15 years now, but he is a big health nut and is constantly telling me that I would feel better and be more energetic if I lost weight (I did lose weight, and felt no different than I do now). I love the joy on the faces, and the fact that you are practicing what you preach. Beautiful post, and such a great reminder not to let our hang-ups get in the way of making memories with our kids. I want to be remembered as HAPPY and crazy-for-life. I have a very scarred body thanks to emergency surgeries and recently had a baby. by now. I have a little boy and I want him to have realistic expectations of women. I am a 56 y. I am 53-years-old, 115 pounds, and never gave birth to a child but am fortunate to have two wonderful children and three wonderful grandchildren from my second marriage. Who cares about stretch marks, cellulite, extra skin, etc. Two weeks ago, I spent 4 days on Coronado Island with 3 lifelong friends as we celebrated turning 50 this year. I have had a tough time getting into a swim suit since then. I need to let this fear go for the love of my children and future grandchildren. I am so thankful that this post has encouraged so many women. I want to be the mom in the pool with them. When I went to the beach before, I could feel people looking and I could feel their approval. She loves being with me and I love making memories with her. I miss it so much And I need that happy place so my heart can reall ybegin to heal. Now I have to rebuild confidence and create a new part of my identity in this stage if life based solely off of me, and of course my sons. I am 31 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. Reading your post made me realize that I really LOVE the ocean. I am taller than her, so my weight looks only slightly more proportional on me. She felt a sense of calm when she realized this. But slowly over those 3 days full of shared experiences and heartfelt conversations, I shed the cover-up. My husband told me that years ago when we were dating. What I DID hear was how awesome it was that mom was in the water playing with her kids. I have 3 kids and my body has absolutley changed. I have given birth to 4 of our 7 children, and I weigh over 200 lbs. Thankfully, I divorced him 4 years ago, or I might be 300 lbs. I just turned the big 6. My kids had begged me all day to join them down at the pool. I was a swimmer as a kid and never have been ashamed of being in a swim suit, but this post struck me in a different way. I feel like I could have written your whole paragraph. I lost my 24 year old son Jonathan 2 years ago in a fire (he is my only child) and after the numbness and shock wore off, I turned to food for comfort. And I so treasure the times that I do it. But I still put on my bathing suit and enjoy my time with my kids. I have been trying to do better about getting in photos as well. We are blessed to live in an age to have this technological memory box. I can care less about how I make people feel when I wear my swimsuit, i only care that my children will remember how fun their mom was. I used to be a size 8 and I loved my body then. Since having my 2 children I have had difficulty taking off the weight. I get all my suits there and wear them confidently (most of the time) because the are flattering) and sexy. Yes, I hope you went to the ocean, relaxed and enjoyed the breeze. I love swimming too much to avoid putting on my swimsuit, so I always did. Just have fun with your children in and out of the water because you, like me, will be sixty something in the blink of an eye. Much more than the Photoshopped Phonies or TV showoffs. I cannot find a swimsuit that works for me anywhere. My favorite place in the world is the beach, and the public pool in our northeast Colorado home town. Then I got breast cancer at the same time my beloved brother-in-law (who was VERY fit) got stomach cancer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I know this struggle goes beyond the beach. He would have been 22 the next day, on July 5, 2007. I wear a one piece with no cover up and get laughed at all the time. When I got back to our hotel, my hubby had to hold me while I cried buckets, and I realized that what bothered me the most was not being able to go swimming with my son. Most days I spend in pain wishing I could eat and be normal. I read this post years ago and it has always stuck with me. I remember the rare occasions my estranged mother took me to the pool, and I remember seeing how thin I was, and how unhealthy she was, and being embarrassed. They sit on the sidelines, too concerned about what they look like and what others will think to embrace the joy of swimming with their kids. Gave you the strength to carry that beach ball for 9 months, then walk with life hanging on your hips for years after. They go to the pool with their kids, but they only put their feet in the pool. I imagine there are SOME women that you inspire. com, if you sign up for their e-mail list they will send you specials all the time. After a few mins I forget the stares and watch how happy she is. Diane: My heart is with you, thank you for sharing. Something that does not resemble anything in my lingerie drawer. Only after becoming a mother did I have confidence in how awesome my body is. However, despite the relaxing atmosphere and the romantic backdrop around her, Claire was nevertheless a little nervous. I shall allow my body to do all of the wonderful things it can do (swim, run, dive, relax, play) PLUS not worry about what others think. I wish I had read this years ago. I miss way too much of it during the school year. My grief support group has taught me that any little progress I make is good. To me seeing the pic of you playing with your kids exudes joy and true beauty. Granted, I stay in the water as much as I can to stay cool, but I get soooooo tired so fast and easily that I have to get out so often. Thank you for this post, I will embrace my thin figure and enjoy my summer with my kids instead of being worried to offend another mom who is larger than I am. I can always find some excuse to not fully participate. Both of my girls started swimming lessons at 3 months old so and I went with my very postpartum body. The one who sees your every thought, struggle, sacrifice and sin. My very smart friend Nora told me one time how great it was that I put on a swimsuit and swim with my boys. Your husbands wandering eyes do not define you. So much truth and beauty in this post and I agree that hearing kids squealing in delight at the pool or ocean is such a joyful soundtrack to summer. I highly recommend as much natural food as you can stand, for energy. Always opting out to take the photo rather than in it. (She did fluctuate through the years as many of us do). They both wore their suits and all of us kids were thrilled when they came in with us. I am not skinny, have RA, ADD and am hypo m and can be an emotional wreck at times too, yet I found a man that was 11 years younger, in great shape that loved me for who I am and how I look we are married 10 years now. Sis, I wear board shorts when I kayak, or float. 30 years ago I enjoyed many fun times in the water with my kids. The kids were so excited for me to be out there with them. I want them to remember twirling in the water with their mom. My husband is turned off by them, as well. If kids learned when they are small that skin sags and tummies bag as we get older maybe they would have a more realistic understanding of the aging process. That has helped tremendously with my comfort in the water. Know that you are not alone, and that you are amazing. I would sadly guess this is a struggle not just in failing marriages but in some good marriages as well. I have 3 children who are our whole world. When I see my mothers pictures I do not see whether she was heavy or thin. This is exactly the sort of caustic, rude, judgmental, ridiculous comment that can keep many of us normal-sized women from wanting to put on a bathing suit. I only wish my husband would hear this message-he constantly misses out because he is insecure about how he looks (yet he weighs less than me. My children and I go swimming at least four times a week. Good for you though, if you feel ok with it. Yes, mainly for big girls, but they start at size 8. Learning to love myself-outside packaging included-with or without the love of others is a task even larger than my pile of laundry. I would give anything to have that body back again. The Mom Creative is a rich and lovely community. To check out my new book, The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You, click here. More than a year ago, while on vacation with my family to visit the Mouse I had an experience that has taken a long time to come to terms with. What bothers me the most is that the majority of the ridicule that causes our swim suit anxiety disorders come from other women. Just checked and swimwear is on sale 30% off. Thanks for the post and for confirming what I found out last Sunday. I came to this realization the summer my son was two. Now that my beloved husband is passed, I am the only parent to be able to play with them in the water, and I love it. It was decidedly unlike the average dull and obnoxious dates with the men with whom she had begrudgingly gone out in the past. We should all absolutely take the best care of ourselves we can. I have missed out in two years of memories. I have never had a thigh gap but have always had an athletic build that, as a teenager I was ashamed of. I found two suits in size 16 that I think I will love. I was happy about that, but I felt more tired and everything hurt more. God made you BEAUTIFUL, and that is what you are. I say at our picnic table in the backyard watching them run around in the water. I promise you I iwill keep trying to take back control. Add to that years of despising my appearance and well, yes, I am still working up to the place you are. The softness of my body should not be frowned on but celebrated. LOL) and the kids really do love it when he comes along. I want them to remember that their mom was there, with them. I needed to read this right at this moment. Claire recognized the sensual curves of the other patrons and could tell that they were female. You remind me of a very warm and hospitable hostess.

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